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Yoga Sequence Every Woman Needs

Yoga Sequence Every Woman Needs

Whether you feel bad juju coming from someone else or lingering in a space, try one of these tactics to clear negative energy and call in more light.

Have you ever walked into a party that was bubbly with fun and excitement? You immediately felt at ease and got swept up in the revelry. Or have you ever found yourself at an unfortunate Mary Tyler Moore party? I call them that affectionately. On the TV show of the same name, Mary always threw these terrible parties. Her friends dragged themselves in and got into arguments with one another. No one had a good time. The energy of such an event feels dead, heavy, and forced.
The second reason is so you will take steps to shield yourself energetically every day and reinforce that shield when entering places like hospitals, prisons, or even concert halls and bars. Wherever people congregate, there will be collective energy in that space. Often it contains energy you’d rather not be picking up on and feeling.

How to clear your energy

Before clearing any space, clear your own energy. Just as you regularly cleanse your body, it’s important to cleanse the funky, gunky energy that’s in your field. Some of it will invariantly be yours from your own stress, illness, or painful emotions. Some will be what you’ve picked up from other people and places. Think of it as energy hygiene. I clear myself in the morning, between clients, and at the end of each day.

Visualizing the release of negative energy

Visualization can be done anywhere, anytime, even while sitting in a busy airport. If you think you’re not good visualizing, give it a try. Like anything, it gets easier with practice. Plus, you’re not just imagining, you are creating a real energetic shift that you will be able to feel in time.
If you are religious or spiritual, you can ask for divine help for this process. Here’s how:
  • Set an intention for releasing all your own negative energy and everything you’ve picked up on from others. I like to say: I am easily releasing all energy from myself and others that no longer serves me. I do this for my highest good.
  • Imagine a small ball of brilliant, golden light in the center of your chest, expanding the light on each exhalation.
  • Imagine breathing in and out through your chest, expanding the light on each exhalation.
  • Spread the light throughout your entire body. See it in your head, torso, arms, and toes.
  • Now expand it beyond your skin until the light is about an arm’s length out in all directions.
  • Follow by shielding (see below).

Use minerals to banish toxicity

Dissolve 1 cup sea salt and 1 cup baking soda in a warm tub and soak your toxicity away. If you don’t want to take a full bath, you can use this as a foot soak instead. Get an inexpensive container and fill it with hot water. Cut the quantities of sea salt and baking soda down to about ¼ cup of each. As an added bonus, it’s also good for your skin and very grounding.


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